
Ke'ath Mainland

The mainland, home to Katal (the elven word for capital), the capital of Ke’ath. On its southern side is the sea.


Alchemist's Guild

Many an accident has occurred here.

A building with an unreasonable and preposterous amount of chimneys, each with a different color and consistency smoke coming out. Parts of the roof are charred and patched over. Inside, alchemists use their plentiful funding to test and create new potions. 20 years ago, this building blew up. Now, every couple months or so, there’s a minor accident - a small explosion.

City Guard Building

Home to the dumb and the nimble.

A 3 story tall building, lines painted on the roof looking like a training floor, with a hatch in the middle.


Loud and imposing.

A clock tower that strikes the time every 15 minutes. It is quite loud beneath this tower.

Fallhaven Military Fort

Katal’s main military fort.

The main military fort of Ke’ath, on the outskirts of Katal on the eastern side, built into the wall. It is a semi-circle shape with its own walls 35ft. Tall. It has a clacks tower (tower for sending messages via a flashing code) and several watchtowers.

Within the fort is the Arcanadrome, a dark metal building which looks to be built to withstand heavy impacts. The door leads to the astral plane, where there is a black obsidian glass disc floating within the void, with control panels on one end and a portal on the other. The control panel contains buttons for training simulations, as well as controls for lockdown and alarms.

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Wynather’s Magical Emporium

The finest craftsmanship in Ke’ath for six generations.

A 1-story store, run by the Wynather family, with the front run by Alta Wynather. This store sells magical items made by the Wynather family, a family of artificers.